Wednesday 1 March 2017

Still time to register!

The PUSH Your Learning Conference is all set for Saturday March 4th at Bear Creek Secondary School in Barrie. 

SCDSB’s third annual PUSH Conference focuses on leveraging digital tools for deep learning. PUSH is a full day of interactive sessions facilitated by SCDSB staff and learning partners from around the province. This free conference is open to all education stake holders.

The day will focus on engaging participants in authentic learning around the innovative integration of educational technology in learning and teaching. Through a variety of facilitated sessions, participants will explore and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes around the effective use of G Suite (Google Apps for Education) and other educational technology tools, including D2L and Office 365 and more.

There are 38 different sessions to choose from that look at using Google’s G Suite, Office 365, D2L, iOS Apps and more to support assessment, literacy, mathematics, digital citizenship and professional learning. Come and investigate the use of virtual and augmented reality, coding and GoPro cameras and drones to support student learning. Visit the Minds on Media playground space open all day to get hands on experience with Co-operative Learning Using Office 365, Mindomo (mind map), Pixton (comics), Google Integrations within the VLE (D2L), Coding, Adobe Spark and Mathies.

Visit for more information or to register and share on Twitter using #scdsbPUSH.

See you Saturday!

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Registration is now open for all Educators!

Simcoe County District School Board’s third annual PUSH Your Learning Conference will be held 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 4, 2017, at Bear Creek Secondary School. It is free to register. Lunch is provided. Remember to bring your own device and a water bottle.
Registration is now open to all educators!

Please follow @SCDSB_LandT and #scdsbPUSH on Twitter for new information on the PUSH Your Learning Conference. Tag us and let the world know you’re going! Encourage your friends to come too!

Monday 24 October 2016

Save the date for PUSH 2017!

Our third annual PUSH Your Learning Conference is being held on Saturday March 4th, 2017 at Bear Creek Secondary School in Barrie. Details and Call for Presenters to follow. Check out the learning from last year's conference here.